Easy Struts - Eclipse Editor

The eclipse editor is a struts-config.xml GUI editor, this editor is fully based on PDE Manifest Editor included in Eclipse 2.0 platform.
Eclipse Editor available since Easy Struts 0.5.

Eclipse struts-config.xml Editor features:

- Error and warning control.
- Possibility to generate classes from struts-config.xml.
- GUI based on struts-console.
- Full support for struts 1.1 config files, use struts 1.1b2 software.
- GUI view and source view.
- Possibility to write all defaults attributes values.
- Tooltips extracted from struts-config DTD.

For more information, check CHANGES LOG.

Demo :

NEW Live demo from Easy Struts 0.5.2 Eclipse [light, about 2.8Mo] [zip]
NEW Live demo from Easy Struts 0.5.2 Eclipse [long, about 4Mo] [zip]

Screenshots :

main screen
action with form
forward action
forward in action
data source

Current version is 0.5.2 : get it with upadate manager (recommended) or download it [zip] [tar.gz]

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