First, thank you for
using Easy Struts ... without you, project cannot continue.
After receiving
a large number of email, Easy Struts is now under refactoring…
Easy Struts project provides plug-ins for the Eclipse 2.0, Borland JBuilder 5, and Borland JBuilder 6 development
environments to enable you to develop web applications based on the MVC
design pattern provided by the Jakarta Struts framework.
Easy Struts is FREE and OPEN-SOURCE. Licensing is
provided with the ASF license.
Why use Easy Struts inside Eclipse :
- Easy Struts plugin can be
used with J2EE plugin : Sysdeo Tomcat, Resin, Lomboz... (or simply a Java project).
- Provide Struts config
editor for Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1 files.
- Provide a global view of any Java project with Easy Struts support.
- Full support for Struts 1.1 modules.
- Tool tip text extracted from Struts DTD.
- Input helper (chooser dialog and validation).
- Compatible with IBM WSAD 5 (with some troubles...)
- XDoclet support in progress.
- ... and it's FREE
- Easy Struts developpement
is in progress ...there are still bugs in theses versions...
with Eclipse 2.1 done, and released !
- NEW Easy
Strut 0.6.4 for Eclipse out ...
- Survey #1 : What Struts
version are you using ...
- Easy
Explore Eclipse plugin out ...
- Easy Struts 0.4.2 for JBuilder out ...
- UML Icons for JBuilder out ...
Books news :
New Struts book available soon :
Struts Applications, cover subjets are Struts, Lucene, ObjectRelationalBrige,
Interesting book about open-source java tools :
Java Tools : Real world Ant, JUnit, CVS, Cactus, Bugzilla, Maven, JMeter and XDoclet.
Eclipse book available soon : Java Development with Eclipse from manning. One chaper is related to Eclipse and Struts (mean Easy
Eclipse 2.1 Compatible.
- Full wizard refactoring
(add exception and module wizards).
- Support for Struts 1.1 modules.
- Easy Struts Explorer with struts-config
and webapp hierarchy.
- Use of XSLT for classes and jsp
- Struts
config editor for Struts
1.1 and Struts 1.0 config files (not available for
Struts 1.0).
- Wizard Action, ActionForm,
and JSP: allow fast creation of a (bean + jsp)
form, associated with an action.
- Wizard Action: allows you to easily create an action,
which can be associated to an existing form.
- Assitant ActionForm: allows you to rapidly create Permet a (bean + jsp) form.
- Create and update of the Struts descriptor (struts-config.xml).
- Starting up of the Web application for Struts
(addition of the action servlet into web.xml, copying of the lib, tlds,
and so on).
- Support for Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1.
- Preferences page.
- Ability to use your classes coming from Struts
For more information, check Changes log.
Current version is 0.6.4: get it with
update manager (recommended) or
download it [zip] [tar.gz]
Previous version can be found here.
JBuilder features:
- Use of XSLT for classes and jsp generation. (not yet released)
- Wizard Action, ActionForm and JSP: allow fast
creation of a (bean + jsp) form, associated with an
- Wizard Action: allows you to easily create an action, which can be
associated to an existing form.
- Assitant ActionForm:
allows you to rapidly create Permet a (bean + jsp) form.
- Create and update of the Struts descriptor (struts-config.xml).
- Starting up of the Web application for Struts (addition of the action servlet into web.xml, copying
of the lib, tlds, and so on).
- Support for Struts 1.0 and Struts 1.1.
- Preferences page.
- Ability to use your classes coming from Struts classes.
For more information, check Changes log .
Current version is 0.4.2 : download it [zip] [tar.gz]
Previous version can be found here.
For managing Struts config files inside JBuilder, struts-console is available in a JBuilder OpenTool. Get it here.
UML Icons for JBuilder :
UML icons for JBuilder: For UML
users, this opentool replaces JBuilder
Java icons with UML standard icons. [More information]

Easy Explore for Eclipse :
Easy Explore 1.0.1 for Eclipse: For Eclipse user, this plugin add 'Windows Explorer' feature in Resource/Package
explorer popup menu. Get it with Update manager (recommended) or Download it.
NOTE: This plugin is not Easy Struts or Struts

Previous version can be
found here.
Easy Struts is open source and free, if you
want you can donate to support developpement
Here some struts related books :
Chuck Cavaness
NEW By wrox.
NEW By David Gallardo.
By Struts team.
By Sue Spielman
by James Turner, Kevin Bedell
By James Goodwill
by Shawn Bayern